ooppss brb! phone's ringing and it's my dad! ;)
so after 10 mins (that's what it said after I ended the call).
ok what?seriously?! haha
So my dad is just "coaching" me coz I dunno how to do this lotto thing and tomorrow will be my first time to go to a booth and fill out a block haha
AND I NEED YOUR HELP GUYS!! Let's play lotto and who knows?We MIGHT win it! I have some conditions tho
And as for the RULES, here's how we'll do it:- We'll split the money. 50-50
- You MUST choose at least TWO charitable institutions or your chosen church/es where we can donate 10% for each out of your jackpot money. What?You don't expect the other half all to yourself right?! come on! LEARN how to SHARE!
- COMMENT - please DO NOT hesitate to comment here and give your numbers.
- NUMBERS - to all those who wanna join, give me SEVEN numbers.. SEVEN!! NOT six or five or eight.. SEVEN :D numbers to choose from are between 1 -49 I believe (or from what I remember from my dad and I's conversation a lil while ago).
REMEMBER: numbers should only be between 1-49.
Tomorrow after work (which is Wednesday my time), I will play all the numbers from the bloggers who wanna join. I will be online tomorrow before work to check for responses so I am really hoping you guys are equally determined in winning the jackpot. ;)
Draw date is Friday night I believe :D