

I don't know! haha I'm blank right now as my printing paper. Emotions are just overwhelming that my thoughts are flooded with things that need to be taken care of and stuff that keep on poppin when they're not supposed to be and plus I'm hungry.

  • Sad - my vacation is ending in two days. But I don't have a ticket yet to go back haha so I dunno, plane tix are just so frikking expensive for an hour and 45 minutes plane ride. Yes. I'm still hoping for a seat sale "miracle". It's always sad to leave a place where you always enjoy. :(
  • Excited - excited to go to the bookstore later to pick up a copy of Judy Blume's Forever. I don't have any idea who Judy Blume is but got interested when I saw Aryan's post about the book. It's about first love and forever, it's interesting because I know it's one of those novels that WE all can relate to. We all have our own story to tell about the first person we promised to love FOREVER so reading the book should be fun and exciting!
  • Depressed - it's not even coz someone is trying to put my smile upside down. I am PMS-ing, I'm just uber sensitive about things/people around me, that being said, I am also not nice this week so if you're stupid, stay away from me. :D

Ok, I think that's about it. I wanna keep it short. I'm hungry.

I love Mara.

1 statements:

Anonymous said...

I love you, too, doll ;). Chin up, things'll be awesome, I promise :3